
Some artists are less renowned than others, some do not immediately come to mind, when you think Art (with a capital A). Some don't have exhibitions in the big museums. I have recently noticed that many people seem to define 'Artist' by the number of exhibitions they've had and I don't think that's entirely true. I don't think think the role has any one definition. 

So I would like to bring to your attention artists that don't have such a large body of work or that are perhaps not so well known... They are centred around the theme of body language, as that is the theme I am currently using to develop work.

Anelia Loubser:  www.anelialoubser.com

Junior Fritz Jacquet:  www.juniorfritzjacquet.com 

Diego Fazio aka. 'DiegoKoi' : diegokoi.it

Jennifer Crupi: jennifercrupi.com

Deborah Cauchi: deborahcauchifineartist.co.uk

Please visit them and feel free to tell me what you think! 

Shivani :)